Student Theses

NB: Ph.D. dissertations can be found in my Research Group section. This section only lists MSc and BSc theses for which I was the primary supervisor and assessor, and which were completed successfully (NB: external student projects are listed at the bottom of this section for completeness). An overview of LIACS theses which I supervised, are also listed in the LIACS thesis repository. UU theses are listed in the UU thesis repository. If you are looking for a thesis topic, have a look at our Open Thesis Topics page.

MSc theses [ BSc theses | External ]

    Active [ Completed | ^ ]

  1. Thiel,Haike van (In progress). Personalised and realistic training scenarios with artificial patients using AI models in Trauma Care. Civil-Military Centre of Expertise for Trauma Care (CETC).
  2. Rivetti,Giulia (In progress). Translation-Based Fine-Tuning of English BERT Models for Enhanced Performance in Minority Language NLP Tasks (LUMC). Daily supervisors: Hielke Muizelaar, Marcel Haas (LUMC).
  3. Schinkelshoek,Laurens (In progress). Machine learning for surgical departments. Spruit,Marco; van Nieuwenburg,Evert (LION/LIACS).
  4. Nguyen,Van (In progress). Social Robotics System for Elderly Care Using Large Language Models and Raspberry Pi. Daily supervisor: Bram van Dijk (LUMC).
  5. de Koning,Irene (In progress). Creating a data-driven health provider for benchmarking. Daily supervisor: Spruit,Marco; Husslage,Bart (CZ).
  6. Koning,Michael de (Committed). Portable platform-as-a-service for crowdsourced and privacy respecting data analysis and modeling in pandemic response: PHAETON (LUMC/TNO). Daily supervisor: Marcel Haas (LUMC).
  7. Meng,Maggie (Committed). An evaluation of data analysis techniques in digital health applications. Daily supervisor: Jim Achterberg (LUMC).
  8. Mian,Belal (Committed). LLMs in the analysis of interviews with older people about goals of care: a pilot study. Daily supervisors: Bram van Dijk, prof. Simon Mooijaart (LUMC).
  9. Completed [ Active | ^ ]

  10. Drougkas,Georgios (25/06/2024). Multimodal Machine Learning for Language/Speech Markers Identification in Mental Health. Spruit,Marco, & Bakker,Erwin (UL). [8.0]
  11. Rameshchandra,Ramya Tumkur (25/06/2024). Unsupervised machine learning methods to understand the social and psychological effects of prescription opioids. Spruit,Marco, & Baratchi,Mitra (UL). [7.5]
  12. Tomassen,Floris (05/02/2024). LLM-Based Data Generation techniques for end-to-end models of grammatical error correction applied to Dutch Care Text. Spruit,Marco; Wijnholds,Gijs. (Prime Vision). [8.5]
  13. Wang,Ruilin (18/07/2023). Investigating De-identification Methodologies in Dutch Medical Texts: A Replication Study of Deduce and Deidentify. Spruit,Marco (UL) & Mosteiro,Pablo (UU). [6.5]
  14. Lu,Yijie (18/07/2023). Unveiling Patterns of Gun Violence in Europe: Topic Discovery and Analysis using Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. Spruit,Marco, & Wijnholds,Gijs; Mook,Dennis; Liem,Marieke (TextGain) [7.0]
  15. Muizelaar,Hielke (14/07/2023). Exploring Dutch BERT models for extracting lifestyle characteristics from medical text. Spruit,Marco, & Putten,Peter van der. [8.5]
  16. Barreiro Clemente,Diego (14/07/2023). Predicting care plan goals using a knowledge graph-based recommender system. Spruit,Marco, & Verberne,Suzan. (Prime Vision). [6.5]
  17. Wang,Runda (16/05/2023). Attend all options at once: solve MMRC problems with extra prompting and prior knowledge. Spruit,Marco, & Verberne,Suzan. [8.0]
  18. Heath,Cheyenne (2022/08/18). Natural Language Processing for lifestyle recognition in discharge summaries. Spruit,Marco, & Putten,Peter van der (UL). Kist,Janet, Os,Hine van, & Zervanou,Kalliopi (LUMC/PHEG). [7.5].
  19. Verkleij,Stephanie (2021/03/26). Deep & Dutch NLP: Exploring linguistic markers for patient narratives analysis. Spruit,Marco, & Scheepers,Floortje (UU). Schepper, Kees de (UMC Utrecht/Psychiatry). [8].
  20. Sakapetis,Andreas (2020/10/28). NLP for knowledge discovery in scientific literature on biodegradation. Spruit,Marco, & Dutilh,Bas (UU). Haupfeld,Ernestina, & Tawfik,Noha (UU/Biology). [8].
  21. Claessens,Pim (2020/08/25). Cow disease classification in Precision Livestock Farming: A classification task on multilingual text snippets. Spruit,Marco, & Hostens,Miel (UU). (UU/Veterinary Sciences). [8.3].
  22. Evers,Maxime (2020/08/25). Combining a clinical taxonomy with Natural Language Processing techniques for identifying Adverse Drug Reactions in Dutch clinical free text fields. Spruit,Marco, & Wagenaar,Gerard (UU). Siegersma,Klaske (UMC Utrecht/Cardiology). [8.2].
  23. Meer,Thomas van der (2020/07/16). A deep learning approach to interest development. Spruit,Marco, & Akkerman,Sanne (UU). Beek,Joris (UU/Educational Sciences). [8].
  24. Omta,Wiert (2020/01/27). Task-Aware Cloud Instance Selection. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Omta,Wienand (CoreLifeAnalytics). [7.5].
  25. Ooms,Richard (2019/10/07). Self-Service Data Science in Healthcare: Using AutoML in the Knowledge Discovery Process. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Candel,Sebastiaan (Deloitte). [8.5].
  26. Knemeijer,Danny (2019/05/21). STRIPAI: Determining the suitability of implementing deep reinforcement learning principles in new domains. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). [6.8].
  27. Simons,Roy (2019/05/14). Enriching a question-answering system with user experience concepts. Spruit,Marco, & Ruiz,Marcela (UU). Rob Douwes (Rabobank). [8].
  28. Joosse,Huibert-Jan (2019/03/29). Rediscovering the Clock: A Study on Methylation, Gene Expression, Age and Sex using a Data Science Approach. Spruit,Marco, & Onland-Moret,Charlotte (UU). (UMC Utrecht/Julius Center). (Applied Data Science Postgraduate thesis project). [7,9].
  29. Bakhtiari,Baharak (2019/02/25). An Assessment Framework for Research Data Reusability. Spruit,Marco, & Lamprecht,Anna-Lena (UU). Lefebvre,Armel, & Altena,Tijmen (IDfuse). [7.3].
  30. Klift,Wouter van der (2018/09/28). Data-driven Diagnosis in Psychiatry. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Menger,Vincent, & Scheepers,Floor (UMC Utrecht/Psychiatry). [8.2].
  31. Karišik,Eldin (2018/08/29). A Standardized Data Mining Method in Healthcare: A pediatric intensive care unit case study. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Koomen,Erik, & Cappen,Teus (UMC Utrecht/ICU). [6.1].
  32. Wondolleck,Roland (2018/08/14). Towards an adaptive focus area maturity model for information security assessments at SMEs. Spruit,Marco, & Burriel,Verónica (UU). Schoote,Marijn van (Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.). [8.3].
  33. Dedding,Thomas (2018/07/10). Knowledge Discovery for Domain Experts: A Data Preparation Approach. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Benders,Manon, & Vijlbrief,Daniel (UMCU/Neonatology). [8].
  34. Lau,Erik (2018/06/29). Decoding the hype: Blockchain in Healthcare - A Software Architecture for the provision of a patient summary to overcome interoperability issues. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). [8.5].
  35. Vries,Niels de (2018/06/01). Making Machine Learning accessible to Healthcare Professionals for the purpose of predicting Medical Adverse Events. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Asselbergh,Folkert, & Felix,Susanne (UMC Utrecht/Cardiology). [8.8].
  36. Meijers,Stijn (2018/05/25). Developing CRISP-DCW: The Cross-Industry Standard Process for creating Distributed Computing Workflows. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Kampstra,Peter (ORTEC). [8.5].
  37. Toledo,Chaïm van (2017/12/15). A data sharing system architecture for scientific purposes for a Dutch health care environment. Spruit,Marco, & Menger,Vincent (UU). Scheepers,Floor (UMC Utrecht/Psychiatry). [7.8].
  38. Kais,Marcin (2017/11/22). Bootstrapping the CRISP-DM process. Spruit,Marco, & Menger,Vincent (UU). [8].
  39. Ginkel,Jorien van (2017/10/06). How to determine the FAIRness of Open Data by a Reference Model. Spruit,Marco, & Lefebvre,Armel (UU). Elberse,Glenn (Berenschot Intellerts). [7.3].
  40. Schermerhorn,Elizabeth (2017/09/15). An Assessment Framework to Govern and Manage Research Data within Research Institutions. Spruit,Marco, & Lefebvre,Armel (UU). (UMCU; UU/ITS). [8].
  41. Krimpen,Hugo van (2017/08/28). A Multi API approach for Natural Language Processing in Unstructured Clinical Documents. Spruit,Marco, & Shen,Ian (UU). [7.5].
  42. Pieket Weeserik,Bram (2017/08/28). Improving Operational Risk Management using Business Performance Management technologies. Spruit,Marco, & Dalpiaz,Fabiano (UU). Koelemeijer,Steven, & Beltman,Bastiaan (Celcus). [8].
  43. Ferati,Drilon (2017/07/13). Text mining in financial industry: Implementing text mining techniques on bank policies. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Ackema,Alexander (ABN AMRO). [8.5].
  44. Wortmann,Diederik (2016/08/30). Missing data techniques in contract benchmarking. Spruit,Marco, & Omta,Wienand (UU). (Metri). [6.5].
  45. Mens,Joris (2016/06/30). A maturity model for BPM capability assessment in Dutch hospitals. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Batenburg,Ronald, & Ravesteyn,Pascal (Hogeschool Utrecht UAS). [8].
  46. Jagesar,Raj (2016/06/22). Machine learning dissected. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Kas,Martien, & Vorstman,Jacob (UMC Utrecht). [9].
  47. Jackson,Jamal (2016/06/02). Increasing adherence through mhealth device: a feasibility study design. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Batenburg,Ronald, & Trappenburg,Jaap (UMC Utrecht/Julius Center). [6.5].
  48. Brouwer,Floris (2016/01/26). Applying semantic integration to improve data quality. Spruit,Marco, & Werf,Jan Martijn van der (UU). Steenbakkers,Wim (Mezuro). [7].
  49. Monné,Robert (2016/01/14). Determining relevant disparate disaster data and selecting an integration method to create actionable information. Spruit,Marco, & España,Sergio (UU). Homberg,Marc van den (TNO/Cordaid). [8.5].
  50. Renes,Cassandra (2015/08/31). What do you mean? A method for identifying the root causes of data interoperability problems within aviation information systems. Spruit,Marco, & Werf,Jan Martijn van der (UU). Raadt,Bas van der (Schiphol Group). [8].
  51. Lefebvre,Armel (2015/08/27). Reproducible research and interactive data mining in bioinformatics. Spruit,Marco, & Omta,Wienand (UU). Kloosterman,Wigard (UMC Utrecht). [8.5].
  52. Slot,Gabriël (2015/07/14). Towards Rule-based Information Security Maturity. Spruit,Marco, & Bex,Floris (UU). Li,Tan (Regas). [7].
  53. Haan,Eline de (2015/07/13). Patterns for Derivation Business Rules. Spruit,Marco, & Bex,Floris (UU). Straatsma,Peter, & Zoet,Martijn (Belastingdienst; Hogeschool Utrecht). [9].
  54. Lingen,Sonny van (2015/01/30). Towards a Federative Information Security Focus Area Maturity Model. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Anderson,Colin (Nationale Nederlanden Bank). [6.5].
  55. Rijnst,Sander van der (2014/12/02). Clinical decision support in surgical care for infection control. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). (Erasmus UMC Rotterdam). [7].
  56. Eskes,Paul (2014/11/18). App-based social profiling of students from a health-care perspective. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Kas,Martien, & Vorstman,Jacob (UMC Utrecht). [8].
  57. Baars,Thijs (2014/09/27). Text prediction in web-based text processing. Spruit,Marco, & Nimwegen,Christof van (UU). [8.5].
  58. Cepoi,Alex (2014/08/21). A Reference Architecture for a Dynamic Competitive Intelligence Solution. Spruit,Marco, & Feelders,Ad (UU). Hulst,Paul van der, & Hiddink,Taco (Jibes). [8.5].
  59. Bouma,Yorick (2014/07/18). Supporting Decision-making in Fraud Sensitive Environments - Including Personal Data from Public Sources in Risk Analyses. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Strien,Koos van (InfoSupport). [7].
  60. Kats,Jochem van (2014/07/10). Supporting incident management with population information derived from telecom data. Spruit,Marco, & Werf,Jan Martijn van der (UU). Steenbakkers,Wim, & Beute,Ron (Mezuro). [8].
  61. Vlug,Bas (2014/06/26). Effective and Efficient Classification of Topically-Enriched Domain-Specific Text Snippets. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Voges,Kevin (AFAS). [9].
  62. Buijs,Marco (2014/05/26). Asynchronous Social Search: Towards better Internet and Enterprise Search. Spruit,Marco, & Nimwegen,Christof van (UU). [8.5].
  63. Reijmer,Tjalling (2014/02/04). Cyber security in healthcare: Can a computer virus be life threatening?. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Hoorweg,Erik (CapGemini). [7].
  64. Adriana,Tiffany (2013/12/20). Measuring educational quality in secondary education. Spruit,Marco, & Werf,Jan Martijn van der (UU). Slijkerman,Teun, & Vissers,Maarten (DataPas). [7].
  65. Leenen,Wouter (2013/12/20). Integral and Data-Driven Production Control for Hospitals. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Koelemeijer,Steven, & Beltman,Bastiaan (Celcus). [7.5].
  66. Janssen,Joey (2013/11/18). Enterprise Mobile Security: The development of a Mobile Risk Assessment Method (M-RAM). Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Veldhuizen,Rik, Bosboom,Thomas, & Maat,Rob de (Deloitte). [8.5].
  67. Christoulakis,Michalis (2013/10/28). Data Quality Management in the public domain: A case study within the Dutch Justice System. Spruit,Marco, & Tel,Gerard (UU). Dijk,Jan van (Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Ministry of Security and Justice). [7].
  68. Fotaki,Georgia (2013/10/28). Exploring Big data opportunities for Online Customer Segmentation. Spruit,Marco, & Sjaak Brinkkemper (UU). Dion Meijer (GX Software). [8].
  69. Semenzin,Davide (2013/08/30). A framework for Digital Humanities software development and design: the case of Berkeley Prosopography Services. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Schmitz,Paul, Veldhuis,Niek, & Pearce,Laurie (UC Berkeley (USA)). [8].
  70. Meulendijks,Edwin (2013/08/27). Requirement Engineering for Medical Consumer Applications. Spruit,Marco, & Meulendijk,Michiel (UU). [8].
  71. Farro,Darrel (2013/08/23). The Healthcare No-show Reduction Method. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Belleghem,Hans van (UMC Utrecht/Concerndienst Zorg Administratie en Informatie). [8].
  72. Shen, Zhengru (Ian) (2013/03/22). Knowledge discovery in high throughput screening: Creating a data mining techniques selection framework. Spruit,Marco, &
  73. Omta,Wienand (UU). Egan,David (UMC Utrecht/Cell Screening Center). [8].
  74. Peersman,Hans (2013/01/29). Preventing Data Breaches by Proactive Data mining. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Klunder,Arjan, & Knuiman,Martijn (Deloitte). [6.5].
  75. Turtoi,Razvan (2012/10/09). Determining the Benefits of Continuous Monitoring: A Tool for Prioritizing Internal Controls during a Continuous Monitoring Implementation. Spruit,Marco, & Helms,Remko (UU). Lissone,Anton, & Brandts,Luc (BWise Development). [7].
  76. Chok,Jiann Haur (2012/08/29). Data mining: a journey of discovering new business opportunities. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Spruijt,Willem (Yunoo). [6].
  77. Josaputra,Yang Lee (2012/08/29). Data quality in general practice: The influence of people, technology and processes. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Verheij,Robert, & Visscher,Stefan (NIVEL). [6.5].
  78. Vroon,Robert (2012/08/29). Knowledge discovery within the Dutch long-term care sector. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Tolsma,Laura (Technology to Serve). [8].
  79. Roeling,Martijn (2012/08/28). Towards an aligned organization on Information Security - Closing the gap between the actual level of information security and business information security requirements. Spruit,Marco, & Helms,Remko (UU). Marsman,Henk (Deloitte). [8.5].
  80. Boer,Tim de (2012/08/27). Business Intelligence in the Cloud: A vendor's approach. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Valkonet,Joris (Avanade). [8].
  81. Pietzka,Katharina (2012/08/27). MD3M Master Data Management Maturity Model - Developing an Assessment to Evaluate an Organization's MDM Maturity. Spruit,Marco, & Helms,Remko (UU). Pump,Thomas (E.ON Energy Trading (Germany)). [8].
  82. Houten,Robbin van der (2012/08/23). Proactive Business Intelligence: Discovering Key Performance Indicators and Associated Business Rules from Historical Data using Data Mining Techniques. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). (VANAD). [7].
  83. Yeganeh,Sam (2012/08/22). Substation Automation in the Distribution Grid: Cost-Benefit Analysis for using Line Current Differential Protection together with Wireless Telecommunications Technology. Spruit,Marco, & Helms,Remko (UU). Bos,Menne (Accenture). [8].
  84. Stroe,Ana (2012/07/19). An analysis on the maturity of business intelligence for project management organizations. Spruit,Marco, & Bos,Rik (UU). Koelemeijer,Steven, & Beltman,Bastiaan (Celcus). [7.5].
  85. Verkooij,Kim (2012/06/27). Mobile Business Intelligence - The development of a Mobile BI Implementation Framework. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Niet,Mike van der, & Vaartjes,Carst (Deloitte). [8].
  86. Otten,Sjors (2012/01/26). Product portfolio management through data-driven business intelligence: a method for the food industry. Spruit,Marco, & Helms,Remko (UU). Uytdewilligen,Arnold (CSB-System Benelux). [9].
  87. Pachidi,Stella (2011/08/24). Software operation data mining: techniques to analyse how software operates in the field. Spruit,Marco, & Weerd,Inge van der (UU). Bezemer,Cor-Jan, & Dähne,Ronald (Exact). [9.5].
  88. Maaß,Dennis (2011/04/20). Improving Short-Term Demand Forecasting for Short-Lifecycle Consumer Products with Data Mining Techniques. Spruit,Marco, & Waal,Peter de (UU). Haake,Roland (Tchibo (Germany)). [7.5].
  89. Smeitink,Martijn (2011/02/28). IT sustainability in organizations - Developing a strategic green approach. Spruit,Marco, & Versendaal,Johan (UU). Ramesh,Adarsh (Accenture). [8].
  90. Wester,Wouter (2010/11/11). RFID Security & Privacy: A Maturity Model for Consumer Product Supply Chain. Spruit,Marco, & Weerd,Inge van der (UU). Leonor,Javier (Accenture). [8.5].
  91. Sacu,Catalina (2010/08/30). DWCMM: The Data Warehouse Capability Maturity Model. Spruit,Marco, & Versendaal,Johan (UU). Habers,Frank (Inergy). [8.5]. Smit,Sytze (2010/08/18). Keeping control on the eGovernment highway. Spruit,Marco (UU). Konings,Laudy (Deloitte). [8].
  92. Haag,Peter (2010/06/28). Benefits and limitations of Access and Identity Management solutions. Spruit,Marco (UU). Scholten,Hans, & Stan,Alina (CapGemini). [6.5].
  93. Krens,Robin (2010/06/16). Information security in health care: Evaluation with health professionals. Spruit,Marco, & Batenburg,Ronald (UU). Urbanus,Nathalie (UMC Utrecht/Executive Staff). [8].
  94. Wasmann,Michel (2010/04/21). Business Intelligence within Social Network Sites. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Leenstra,Herbert, & Smulders,Henk (Logica). [7.5].
  95. Weeghel,Rob van (2010/01/18). Process Optimization in the Notarial Profession. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU) (DirICT). [7.5].
  96. Ciric,Ricardo (2009/12/15). Competitive Intelligence: Optimizing the competitive radar. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU) (Heineken). [8].
  97. Linden,Vincent van der (2009/12/15). The business impacts of data quality - Creating the data quality interdependency model. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Groot,Jan-Peter de (Accenture). [7].
  98. Abdat,Nizar (2009/10/12). Software as a Service and the Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for Vendors. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Bos,Menne (Accenture). [8.5].
  99. Nieuwerth,Justin (2009/07/06). An assessment tool for establishing Infrastructure as a Service capability maturity. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Zijlstra,Danny (Accenture). [6.5].
  100. Tijssen,Rick (2009/06/24). BI-FIT: The fit between Business Intelligence end-users, tasks and technologies. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Raaij,Bas van, & Ridder,Martijn van de (CapGemini). [8.5].
  101. Vleugel,Arjen (2009/05/25). Historical data analysis through data mining from an outsourcing perspective: the Three-phases method. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Daal,Anton van, & Sluiter,Ton (InSumma;Start/USG). [8].
  102. Bruijn,Wouter de (2008/12/01). The cost of Security. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkkemper,Sjaak (UU). Heuvel,Maurits van der (Accenture). [8.5].
  103. Knol,Peter (2008/10/27). Web 2.0 revealed - Ways in which standardization will lead social computing to support business model innovation. Spruit,Marco, & Versendaal,Johan (UU). Scheper,Wim, & Kloos,Martin (Deloitte). [8].
  104. Wijaya,Senoaji (2008/10/27). Predicting sentiment on written medical self-assessments by elderly people using BERT and LIWC. Spruit,Marco, & Versendaal,Johan (UU). Scheper,Wim (Deloitte). [8.5].

BSc theses [ MSc theses | External ]

    In progress [ Completed | ^ ]

  1. Hagen, Leila (Committed). News mining for Homicide characteristics in Indonesia. Spruit,Marco; Bogolyubova,Olga (FGGA).
  2. Cieloszczyk, Anna (Committed). MDL-based association rule mining on ELAN data to better understand opioids usage. Spruit,Marco (UL).
  3. Sanz Lozano, Rebeca (Orienting). Brain, cognition and wellbeing. Spruit,Marco (UL).
  4. Completed [ In progress | ^ ]

  5. Leito, Roderick (08/10/2024). Integration of the EQ5D PROM questionnaire into a natural and unobtrusive conversation using a RASA-driven chatbot. Spruit,Marco & Lefebvre,Armel (UL). [7.5]
  6. Baghdasaryan, Ruzanna (27/08/2024). Questionnaire-driven Dialogue: Utilizing Large Language Models for Hallucination-free Conversational AI in Elderly Well-being Monitoring. Spruit,Marco & Lefebvre,Armel (UL). [8.5]
  7. Tanoesemito, Charma (01/03/2024). Reconstructing family relationships using routine primary care Electronic Health Record database. Life Sciences and Technology (LST) programme. Spruit,Marco; Marian Beekman, Niels van den Berg (MOLEPI). [8.0]
  8. Lelasseux, Maxine (05/02/2024). Analyzing offenses against life data: a machine learning approach on data extracted from the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) database. Spruit,Marco; Liem,Marieke; Syme,Katharina (FGGA/ISGA). [6.5]
  9. Wallaard, Lisanne (06/07/2023). Model deployment of a predictive machine learning model for clinical decision support. Spruit,Marco; Haas,Marcel (PHEG). [8.0]
  10. Baar,Rik van (2022/07/19). Predicting sentiment on written medical self-assessments by elderly people using BERT and LIWC. Spruit,Marco, & Verberne,Suzan (UL). (LUMC/PHEG). [8.5].
  11. Voorham,Jack (2022/07/19). Impact of Flow Anonymization on Cyberattack Detection in IoT. Haastrecht,Max van, & Spruit,Marco (UL). [7.5].
  12. Wordragen,Casper van (2022/07/19). Human Social Characteristics of Conversational Agents for Elderly Users: The case of Welzijn.AI. Spruit,Marco, & Offerman,Tyron (UL). [7.5].
  13. Angeren, Marco van (2021/07/14). Analyzing the key differences in cyber risks to SMEs per sector and comparing these results with non-SMEs. Spruit,Marco, & Haastrecht,Max van (UU). [6].
  14. Smit,Tim (2021/07/14). The Effect of Countermeasure Readability on Security Intentions. Spruit,Marco, & Haastrecht,Max van (UU). [9].
  15. Dijk,Eva van (2019/07/12). A performance dashboard as relation therapist. Overbeek,Sietse, & Spruit,Marco (UU). Vugts,Adriaan (UMC Utrecht/P&O Servicecentrum).
  16. Koekkoek,Denise (2019/07/12). De YouTube achterban van de KRO-NCRV: Een meta-algoritmisch model voor identificatie van YouTube communities. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Vankan,Arthur (UU/UDS). [8.1].
  17. Liezenga,Alma (2019/06/14). Automatic Fault Detection in Registration and Tumor Segmentation of Breast MRI. Burriel Coll,Verónica, & Spruit,Marco (UU). Velden,Bas van der (UMC Utrecht/Image Sciences Institute). [8.6].
  18. Verkleij,Stephanie (2019/02/01). Exploring deviations from advice in an automated ordering system for supermarkets. Brinkhuis,Matthieu, & Spruit,Marco (UU). (Jumbo). [7.7].
  19. Peters,Roman (2018/08/30). Solo Scrum for Web Scraping. Spruit,Marco, & Nimwegen,Christof van (UU). Batenburg,Ronald (NIVEL). [6.7].
  20. Lu,Jimmy (2018/08/14). DWCMM Bootstrap model. Spruit,Marco, & Burriel,Verónica (UU). Werkhoven, Jan van (ISM eGroup). [7.5].
  21. Hendrikx,Martijn (2018/07/19). De adoptie van Big Data: Een onderzoek naar de adoptie van Predictive Data Analytics binnen bedrijven. Spruit,Marco, & Jong,Imke de (UU). (Conclusion). [7].
  22. Polderdijk,Wendy (2018/07/19). Getting better by connecting better: Improving interoperability in healthcare information technology in Dutch primary care. Spruit,Marco, & Elloumi,Lamia (UU). [7.8].
  23. Mistry,Mehul (2017/08/31). Intelligent Workplace Finder. Brinkhuis,Matthieu, & Spruit,Marco (UU). Baskshi,Naser (Deloitte). [7.5].
  24. Schaik,Eloy van (2017/08/31). ISFAM-Micro maturity model: Information security for micro SMEs. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). [7].
  25. Wal,Yvonne van der (2017/08/31). A data-driven feasibility study on silent pumps: Applying CRISP-DM in a knowledge discovery process. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). Koomen,Erik (). [9].
  26. Nika,Yll (2017/08/28). Het In Kaart Brengen Van Wateroverlast, Droogte en Hittestress. Brinkhuis,Matthieu, & Spruit,Marco (UU). Bierens,Bas (Arcadis). [7.5].
  27. Bunt,Perry van den (2017/08/25). Ordersegmentatie en Voorspellen in de Fastfood Bezorg Branche. Brinkhuis,Matthieu, & Spruit,Marco (UU). (New York Pizza). [7].
  28. Iona van Maarle,Hasse (2017/07/11). Comparing artificial neural network architectures: An analysis of League of Legends player itemization. Spruit,Marco, & Brinkhuis,Matthieu (UU). [8].
  29. Luchies,Ellen (2017/07/07). Toepassingen van spraaktechnologie in de zorg. Spruit,Marco, & Askari,Marjan (UU). [8.5].
  30. Kiani,Pantea (2016/10/11). Patient Segmentation in a Multi-Subject Database Using Big Data. Spruit,Marco, & Flesch,Frits (UU). (This is a Pharmacy bachelor thesis (UU/Farmacie) thesis project). [8].
  31. Breuer,Kelvin (2016/08/10). The introduction of data drops in data warehouse environments. Philippi,H., & Spruit,M. (UU). Mulder,Eelco (Grexx). (Duo-thesis with Jasper van Noordenburg). [7].
  32. Noordenburg,Jasper van (2016/08/10). The introduction of data drops in data warehouse environments. Philippi,H., & Spruit,M. (UU). Mulder,Eelco (Grexx). (Duo-thesis with Kelvin Breuer). [7].
  33. Wijk,Liset van (2016/07/14). The development of an automatic method for de-identification of Dutch nursing notes. Spruit,Marco, & Menger,Vincent (UU). [8.5].
  34. Wever,Niels (2016/06/24). Improving e-commerce with usability methods and web analytics. Nimwegen,Christof, & Spruit,Marco (UU). Luijn,David van, & Hoogdorp,Rodney (Tours & Tickets). [8].
  35. Joosten,Patrick (2016/05/12). Student engagement in higher education: the CURP app. Spruit,Marco, & España Cubillo,Sergio (UU). [8].
  36. Joosten,Lynette (2015/11/01). Sentiment analysis of Dutch tweets: a comparison of automatic and manual sentiment analysis. Spruit,Marco, & Bex,Floris (UU). Janssen,Daniëlle (Buzzcapture). [8].
  37. Beerschoten,Tim van (2015/08/28). BI in de zorglogistiek. Spruit,Marco, & Bex,Floris (UU). Stobbe,Henk, & Otten,Michael (SAS). [8.5].
  38. Sikkens,Robin (2015/08/28). Datagebruik bij startups: botte bijl of chirurgie. Spruit,Marco, & Jansen,Slinger (UU). Borms,Tijn (SnappCar). [7.5].
  39. Cooten,Cas van (2015/08/27). Using data from social media for talent mangement: an explorative study. Jansen,Slinger, & Spruit,Marco (UU). [7.5].
  40. Landman,Timo (2015/06/26). Enterprise Social Networks: een stappenplan voor implementatie. Broek,Egon van der, & Spruit,Marco (UU). [8].
  41. Jong,Erik de (2014/12/22). Docent en ICT hand in hand - Framework voor de adoptie van ICT door docenten van de Universiteit Utrecht. Spruit,Marco (UU). (Duo-thesis with Yoeri Visee). [8].
  42. Visee,Yoeri (2014/12/22). Docent en ICT hand in hand - Framework voor de adoptie van ICT door docenten van de Universiteit Utrecht. Spruit,Marco (UU). (Duo-thesis with Erik de Jong). [8].
  43. Bek,Leroy (2014/06/27). Situationele factoren in cybersecurity. Spruit,Marco (UU). (AMP Logistics). [7].
  44. Nguyen,Thien Ly (2014/06/24). Nederlandse ziekenhuizen op het internet: Een analyse van de beschikbaarheid van online zorgdiensten op ziekenhuis websites. Spruit,Marco (UU). Krijgsman,Johan (Nictiz). [7.5].
  45. Lebreton,Sam (2014/06/06). De afstemming van IT op bedrijfsstrategie. Spruit,Marco (UU). Rombouts,Eric (Woonzorg Nederland). [6].
  46. Waal Malefijt,Luuk de (2014/01/30). NLCoin. Tel,Gerard, & Spruit,Marco (UU). [7].
  47. Eckhardt,Evert (2013/08/19). Crowdfunding: een succesmodel. Spruit,Marco (UU). [7.5].
  48. Schriek,Courtney (2013/07/12). Telemonitoring Acceptatie Factoren in de Zorg - Onderzoek naar lage participatie van het CF Digitaal Dagboek bij Erasmus MC-Sophia. Spruit,Marco (UU). Man,Jessica de, & Oudeman,Martijn (Vellekoop & Meesters). [8].
  49. Lammertink,Max (2013/05/21). Electronic health record management information in the long-term and chronic healthcare. Spruit,Marco (UU). Ferguson,Thomas (GeriMedica ). [8.5].
  50. Heijblom,Rodi (2013/01/31). De rol van stakeholders en requirements bij implementatiesucces: Een case study van de landelijke digitale infrastructuur Spruit,Marco (UU). (Duo-thesis with Jorn Moret). [7.5].
  51. Moret,Jorn (2013/01/31). De rol van stakeholders en requirements bij implementatiesucces: Een case study van de landelijke digitale infrastructuur Spruit,Marco (UU). (Duo-thesis with Rodi Heijblom). [7.5].
  52. Osseyran,Raoel (2013/01/31). Completeness of ethical hacking methodology: finding social engineering vulnerabilities using penetration testing. Spruit,Marco (UU). Hambertsumyan,Henri (Deloitte). [9].
  53. Disseldorp,Chelsea (2012/11/12). Het toepassen van kennismanagement voor een betere ontsluiting van kennis in informatiesystemen: Adviesrapport System Engineering, NedTrain. Spruit,Marco (UU). Loop,Bart, & Kennis,Nick (NedTrain). [8].
  54. Carbo,Ties (2012/08/30). Juridische en technische beveiligingsaspecten bij data communicatie en integratie van beslissingsondersteunende systemen in de eerstelijnszorg. Spruit,Marco, & Meulendijk,Michiel (UU). [6.5].
  55. Wortmann,Diederik (2012/08/30). HIS data integration - Screen scraper software evaluation. Spruit,Marco, & Meulendijk,Michiel (UU). [8].
  56. Esten,Roel (2012/08/29). Applying Knowledge Management and e-Participation in a local political environment. Spruit,Marco (UU). (D66 Wijdemeren). [8.5].
  57. Wilhelmus,Michael (2012/08/29). Gebruikersacceptatie van een Evidence Based Medicine Beslissingsondersteunend Systeem. Spruit,Marco (UU). Heijden,Geert van der (UMC Utrecht/Julius Center). (Duo-thesis with Luit Wit). [7.5].
  58. Wit,Luit (2012/08/29). Gebruikersacceptatie van een Evidence Based Medicine Beslissingsondersteunend Systeem. Spruit,Marco (UU). Heijden,Geert van der (UMC Utrecht/Julius Center). (Duo-thesis with Michael Wilhelmus). [7.5].
  59. Penning,Sabine (2012/07/19). Betrouwbaar of niet? Gegevensverwerking bij Arend Auto. Spruit,Marco (UU). Brink,Bert van der (Ernst & Young). [7].
  60. Snijders,Remco (2012/07/19). Towards improved music recommendation - Using blogs and micro-blogs. Spruit,Marco (UU). [9].
  61. Pauline Hovers (2011/08/30). The new information society generation: aware of criminal exploitation. Spruit,Marco (UU). (Duo-thesis with Meral Sengul). [7].
  62. Sengul,Meral (2011/08/30). The new information society generation: aware of criminal exploitation. Spruit,Marco (UU). (Duo-thesis with Pauline Hovers). [7].
  63. Meloen,Sebastiaan (2011/08/25). On the path towards Business Intelligence - Business intelligence developments for service oriented companies. Spruit,Marco (UU). (KPN). [6.5].
  64. Baars,Thijs (2011/07/11). The SeCA model: a Secure Cloud Architecture based on data classification. Spruit,Marco (UU). [9].
  65. Polman,Timo (2010/09/27). Integrating knowledge engineering and data mining in e-commerce fraud detection. Spruit,Marco (UU). Boer,Joachim de, & Schildwacht,Joost (Total Internet Group). [9].

External students [ MSc theses | BSc theses ]

  1. Klaassen,Willemijn (2024). Insights into challenges of conversational AI for the elderly. BSc internship host, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam.
  2. Bianchi,Niccolo (8/2024). Automated drug repurposing workflow for rare diseases. Erasmus+ host, University of Milan, Dept. BioScience. Spruit, Lefebvre & Wolstencroft (UL).
  3. Álvarez-Chaves,Hugo (2023-2024). Emergency Department Admissions Forecasting with Generative AI. PhD internship host, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid. Spruit (UL).
  4. Achterberg,Jim (2023). An Evaluation Framework for Synthetic Medical Data. MSc internship host, Erasmus University, Business School, Rotterdam. Spruit (UL).