A representative selection of invited talks is listed below, i.e. of department-external presentations which were not due to conference paper acceptances.
- 02/07/2024: Natuurlijke Taalverwerking in de Zorg. AI en Technologie week Geneeskunde jaar 1, LUMC. [40 min] 2024 0702 ai-week-gnk-b1 NLP.pdf
- 21/03/2024: Natural language processing for enriching real world evidence from electronic health records: NLP @ Health Campus The Hague. Spring Symposium Young Epidemiologists, UMC Utrecht. [30 min] 2024 0321 spruit-haga.pdf
- 11/03/2024: Translational Data Science in Population Health: Data Techniques and Methodology for Violence as a Public Health Problem. KIEM Pressure Cooker Workshop, 11 March 2024. [10 min] 2024 0311 Kiem-pitch-tds-en.pdf
- 20/02/2024: Translational Data Science & AI: A case of Natural Language Processing for Violence Risk Assessment using CRISP-DM. Lorentz workshop Criminal Justice Settings, Crime, and Reintegration, Session on New insights from computer science and economics for the study of criminal justice involved individuals, Leiden. [30 min] www.lorentzcenter.nl 2024 0220 Lorentz spruit NLP.pdf
- 30/10/2023: Translational Data Science in Population Health: CRISP-DM Methodology in the TDS Lab. Amsterdam Public Health (APH) methodology workshop, Amsterdam. [45 min] 2023 1030 pitch-tds-en-crisp.pdf youtu.be/BhTLj2rdnPc
- 12/10/2023: ELAN-VIPP: Het ELAN Virtuele Patiënten en Populatie project - Onderweg naar een digitale tweeling mét ELAN?. Nederlandstalig Platform Survey Onderzoek (NPSO) bijeenkomst Synthetische data, online. [35 min] 2023 1012 VIPP-NPSO.pdf
- 20/09/2023: Translationele gegevenswetenschap: een geval van natuurlijke taalverwerking in de geestelijke gezondheid. AG TechFest, Werkspoorkathedraal, Utrecht. [30 min] 2023 0920 mrspruit NLP mini.pdf
- 30/06/2023: Translational Data Science (TDS) LAB: Achieving a better fundamental understanding of the world around us by being societally inspired, demand-driven and solution-oriented. Haagse Hogeschool, Kenniskring Lectoraat Data Science, Zoetermeer. [45 min]
- 01/06/2023: VIPP: Het Virtuele Patiënten en Populatie project - Een digitale tweeling mét ELAN. Eerste CBS Symposium over Synthetische Data. Den Haag. [45 min]
- 13/04/2023: Health Data Science @Health Campus Den Haag - Datawetenschap in de zorg: óók voor natuurkundigen!. Docentenbijeekomst Contact.VWO. Huygens laboratorium, Leiden. [25 min] 2023 0413 ELAN-NLP.pdf
- 17/10/2022: Welzijn.AI: Naar een AI gesprekspartner voor kwetsbare ouderen. With Top-7 Antropomorphic Characteristics Card Sorting Session, Dutch AI Parade, Netherlands Patients Federation initiative, City Library Kennemerwaard, Alkmaar De Mare [60 min] 2022 0117 Welzijn-AI NL.pdf
- 06/10/2022: AutoML in Dutch Healthcare: Towards a Translational Data Science Roadmap. Vereniging van Epidemiologen (VvE) Symposium of SIG Registry-based research Let's sail through the numbers, Machine Learning session. UMC Utrecht, Utrecht. [20 min]
- 28/09/2022: GEIGER: Cybersecurity for SMEs. Netherlands Cyber Security Center (NCSC) Journal Club, with Max van Haastrecht. NCSC, The Hague ([50 min]
- 10/06/2022: NLP: Free text analysis in EHRs and clinical notes - Do's and don'ts. Workshop session 3 at the NHG Science Day 2022, LUMC Campus The Hague, Leiden. [60+ min.]
- 24/05/2022: Natural Language Processing: from a Translational Data Science Perspective in Dutch Healthcare. Overview Talk in the Research Facility Data Analytics workshop on Free Text Analysis, LUMC, Leiden. [30 min.]
- 13/04/2022: Natural Language Processing: from a Translational Data Science Perspective in Dutch Healthcare. Guest lecture in the Taaldiagnostiek course of the Linguistics Bachelor programme, Lipsius, Leiden. [2*45 min.]
- 11/04/2022: Translational Data Science: Data Science in Dutch Healthcare. Guest lecture in the Data Science Honours Class Series, Old Observatory, Leiden. [2*45 min.]
- 01/04/2022: Translational Data Science in Population Health. Inaugural lecture on the acceptance of the position of professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health on 1 April 2022, Leiden University, Leiden. [45 min.] youtu.be/XfzEEAbNb4w
- 25/01/2022: Data Science in Practice: A longterm healthcare case study. Seminar Toepassingen en implementatie van AI in de zorg. QConsult Zorg, online [45 min.]
- 11/11/2021: Applied Data Science Pressure Cooker. ESRI GIS Professional programme, ESRI Netherlands, Rotterdam. [150 min]
- 05/11/2021: Applied Data Science masterclass. OvP L6 Data Science programme for the public sector, Utrecht University, Utrecht. [330 min]
- 4/11/2021: AI en farmacie in balans? The STRIP Assistant Decade - Artificial Intelligence for Medication Reviews. Nederlandse Vereniging van ZiekenhuisApothekers (NVZA) Jaarcongres 2021. De Fabrique, Maarsen. [50 min.] 0411 NVZA STRIPA.pdf
- 01/11/2021: Applied Data Science Marathon: Getting Things Done!. ESRI Masterclass Data Science & GIS, ESRI Netherlands, Rotterdam. [330 min]
- 23/08/2021: From theory to healthcare practice with the knowledge discovery process: A translational data science primer. Invited talk at LUMC CAIRELab AI Summerschool, online. [45 min.]
- 21/06/2021: Natural Language Processing for Translational Data Science in Mental Healthcare. Invited talk at the Leiden University SAILS Lunch Seminar, online. [30 min.]
- 18/05/2021: Data Science in Practice: A longterm healthcare case study. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs, online. [30 min.]
- 19/02/2021: Applied Data Science masterclass. OvP L5 Data Science programme for the public sector, Utrecht University, Utrecht. [330 min]
- 01/02/2021: Translational Data Science for Population Health. NLAIC werkgroep gezondheid en zorg, team Burger- en Patiëntenparticipatie, online. [45 min.] 0102 NLAIC BPP.pdf
- 13/12/2019: The Applied Data Science Marathon. The Hague, Rijksoverheid Data Science Life Long Learning programme [4*75 min].
- 20/06/2019: Applied Data Science for Student Empowerment. International Distance Education Conference (DisCo), Prague, Czech Republic, at Microsoft [45 min].
- 19/12/2019: Applied Data Science masterclass. Rotterdam, ESRI Nederland [5*45 min].
- 4/12/2017: Health Analytic Systems in Applied Data Science: Design science for societal impact. Colloquium Talk, AMC/Clinical Informatics department, Amsterdam [60 min]
- 10/03/2016: Towards personalised information security advice: A maturity modeling approach of information security management. Guest lecture in Information Security course of Information science programme at Utrecht University [90 min].
- 8/01/2016: Establishing Infrastructures for Big Data Research: Design for Societal Impact. Workshop: Exposome and Big Data on Geospatial Exposure and Health, Figi conference centre, Zeist [30 min]
- 05/03/2015: Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: An explorative case study in the Netherlands. Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), Utrecht, Netherlands [50 min].
- 16/09/2014: PSGF: The Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for SaaS Vendors. How to Price My Saas? Bootcamp, Brussels, Belgium.
- 22/01/2014: Mixed Methods. Guest lecture in Advanced Research Methods master course. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
- 28/03/2013: Informatiesystemen: De wereld achter phishing en Project X. De Breul - Katholieke Scholengemeenschap, Zeist, in Rector's League [2*75 min].
- 09/03/2010: Beter zoeken dan Google. Revius Lyceum Doorn, for 5VWO students, in Rector's League [70 min].
- 23/05/2007: Discovery of association rules between syntactic variables. Seminar in Methodology and Statistics, University of Groningen, Groningen [120 min].
- 23/03/2007: Three quantitative perspectives on syntactic variation. ACLC Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam [75 min].
- 09/10/2006: Syntactische variatie, Geografie en Dialectometrie. Lecture Introduction Language variation, Free University, Amsterdam [90 min].
- 16/07/2006: Syntactic variation from a 60-minute quantitative perspective. Variation and standardisation Seminar, Radboud University, Nijmegen [140 min].
- 03/05/2006: Syntactic variation from a quantitative perspective. Laboratorio di Linguistica & Antropologia Cognitiva seminar, Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy [120 min].
- 16/09/1994: FILTER: a neural filtering environment. Workshop on Neural Networks and Information Retrieval in a Libraries Context. Amsterdam [30 min]. serials.infomotions.com/irld/irld-209.txt