Personal Development

2022-2023: Leadership for Higher Management, LUMC/GITP
This programme consisted of eight group meetings, two individual sessions with a trainer and two sessions with my managers, spread over a period of nine months. During these meetings, I learned theory, reflected with colleagues on practical cases, dilemmas and themes in leadership, and shared experiences and insights with fellow managers under supervision. Organisation: M. Kuper (GITP).
2019: Research Leadership Programme, Utrecht University (02/2019-09/2019)
This exclusive 6-months development programme provided me with an external coach and internal montor to support me in furthering my strategic research direction. I have worked on a Personal Purpose statement, further focused my research theme, analysed 360o feedback, reorganised my workflow management, and participated in numerous expert sessions, intervision and network group meetings. Organisation: Ineke Verhagen (Utrecht University HR).
2019: Senior Research Qualification (SKOz), Utrecht University
My SKOz portfolio showcases my research leadership. It introduces Applied Data Science as a separate research discipline and discusses current research challenges and future research directions in Applied Data Science based on my two position papers. Then, I reconstruct my personal research journey and summarise my main scientific contributions thus far. Finally, I formulate the following research objective for the coming years. My SKOz portfolio is available for review at SKOz Portfolio - Marco Spruit.pdf.
2019-2018: Academic Leadership for Associate Professors, Utrecht University (09/18-02/19)
This 6-months track further enhanced my academic leadership capabilities. It covered personal, interpersonal and organisation-sensitive dimensions through a mix of theory, skills training, personal reflection, experience exchange, case discussions, role plays and intervision sessions. Organisation: G. van Schaik, A. Bleeker, S. Tjepkema (Kessels en Smit).
2017: Senior Teaching Qualification (SKOw), Utrecht University
In my SKOw portfolio I showcase my educational leadership. It notably reports on two key curiculum development projects, CURE and ADS, as supporting evidence. Other achievements include two funded iterations of my Curriculum and Course Planner (CURP) app education strategy, research papers on education, and my organisational role as education manager Information Science, among others. My SKOw portfolio is available for review at SKOw Portfolio - Marco Spruit.pdf.
2016-present: Various Technology MOOCs, Coursera, Udemy, Udacity, Winc
I actively participate in various online courses on the latest technologies at Udemy and Coursera, including: Cybersecurity for Everyone, Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python, Elasticsearch 6 and Elastic Stack - In Depth and Hands On!, Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp, Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter, Introduction to Communication Science, Udemy Online Course Creation Guide, Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark, The Data Scientist's Toolbox, Text Mining and Analytics, Hadoop Platform and Application Framework, Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop-Hands on!, and Data Science, Deep Learning, & Machine Learning with Python.
2014-2013: Educational Leadership programme, Utrecht University (06/2013-09/2014)
The Center of Excellence in University Teaching (CEUT) is a biyearly track aimed at scholars who have leading positions in university teaching, consisting of multiple-day thematic meetings, an individual project, and one or more study trips. Participants are recommended by their Deans. In the context of this programme I have developed and implemented the CUrriculum REvision (CURE) for the Information Science bachelor programme (see Curriculum development), and rewrote the Education and Exam Regulations (OER) text accordingly.
2014: Transparant Leadership, Utrecht University (28/08)
Organisation: T. Risselada & T. Feenstra (De Federatie).
2014: Jedox Specialist training, Jedox Academy (27/3-28/3)
Jedox 201/205 Specialist Basic/Advanced Trainings, for Business Intelligence & Corporate Performance Management, with A. Stroe. Organisation: Celcus.
2013: Presentation and Persuation training, Utrecht University (10/12, 14/01)
Organisation: Ike Smitskamp (Voor het Voetlicht).
2011: The Semantic Web, Advanced SIKS Course (26/09-27/09)
Organisation: L. Hollink (TUD) & R. Hoekstra (VU).
2011: Masterclass Language and Speech Technologies, Nyenrode University (11/09)
Organisation: O. Koornwinder (GridLine BV); Chair: S. Krauwer (UU).
2010- 2009: Supervision of Ph.D students, Utrecht University
A tailor-made education design by the IVLOS organisation to help supervise Ph.D students optimally. Organisation: Hans Sonneveld.
2008-2007: Basic University Teaching Qualification (BKO), Utrecht University
Through a six-sessions course, anonymous student evaluations, external observation reports and self-reflection I have demonstrated my university-level teaching qualities in my BKO portfolio which was awarded on 22/09/2008.
2007-2003: Ph.D, Computational Linguistics, University of Amsterdam
I worked at the Meertens Instituut in Amsterdam within the NWO research programme Determinants of Dialectal Variation. I was a Visiting scholar at the Università di Trieste in Italy throughout Spring 2006. In August 2005 I was awarded an Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC) Bursary Award during the Methods XII conference in Moncton, Canada.
My promotores were prof. Hans Bennis (UvA) and prof. John Nerbonne (RuG), whereas prof. Sjef Barbiers (UL) acted as my daily supervisor.
1995-1989: MA, Computational Linguistics, University of Amsterdam
My master thesis FILTER Prototype Report - A neural filtering environment describes the development of my neural filtering prototype-based on Kohonen feature maps-for the EC Libraries Program Neural Networks and Information Retrieval in a Libraries Context. I presented the prototype and outcomes at a European Union Workshop.
My thesis supervisors were prof. Remko Scha and prof. Jan Scholtes (UM, ZyLAB Europe).
1995-1991: BA, Musicology, University of Amsterdam
My two most memorable projects within the Computational Musicology specialisation were the development of a Cantus Firmus-based counterpoint MIDI music generation system, and a Csound-based acoustic music generation system, both developed in Prolog.
1991: Propedeuse Musicology, University of Amsterdam
1989: Propedeuse Dutch Language and Literature, University of Amsterdam
1988: Pre-university education (VWO), Christelijk College Groevenbeek, Ermelo