Academic Services

Media appearances [ Journals | Conferences | Organisation | Committees | Oppositions | Panels ]

  1. NLP als basis voor population health (August 2024). ICT & Health magazine.
  2. NTR stopt met huidig onderzoek werksfeer na vertrouwensbreuk. (August 2024). NOS Nieuwsuur.
  3. Translational data science: applications in health care (October 2023). Interview in FMT Gezondheidszorg en/in-the-media/2023/10/ translational-data-science-applications-in-health-care
  4. De rol van kunstmatige intelligentie is nog beperkt (November 2022). Dual interview with EUR colleague Dr. Iris Wallenburg, in Naar een gezonde samenleving (LDE publication) default/attachments/LDE Whitepaper Healthy Society_web.pdf
  5. IT in de zorg: van fundamenteel naar de praktijk (October 2022). SuperScience interview in AG Connect magazine van-fundamentele-it-naar-praktische-it-de-zorg
  6. From basic research to healthcare tools (March 2022). Announcement of my inaugural lecture on the Leiden University website from-basic-research-to-healthcare-tools
  7. Marco Spruit wants to develop a language model to improve healthcare (December 2020). Announcement of my appointment at Leiden University marco-spruit-wants-to-develop- a-language-model-to-improve-healthcare
  8. Utrechtse onderzoekers plaatsen vraagtekens bij effectiviteit sleepwet (20/3/2018). De Utrechtse Internet Courant (DUIC). utrechtse-onderzoekers-plaatsen-vraagtekens- bij-effectiviteit-sleepwet/
  9. Utrechtse data-specialisten kritisch over sleepwet (15/3/2018). UU News. utrechtse-data-specialisten-kritisch-over-sleepwet
  10. Two international grants for computer scientist Marco Spruit (9/2/2017). UU News. two-international-grants-for- computer-scientist-marco-spruit
  11. Horizon2020 grant for Marco Spruit (Computer Science) for further development of medication review web application (20/03/2015). UU News. horizon2020-grant-for-marco-spruit
  12. Systeem voor huisartsen: Marco Spruit maakt medische kennis toegankelijk (2011). Rabobank Dichterbij, September 2011, p.10.
  13. 'This study combines all of my intellectual passions [...]' (2009). In: Master's Programmes Utrecht University, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, p.6.
  14. Rubriek 'Doctor' (2008/04/11). Folia 61(27).
  15. Dialectafstand gebaseerd op zinnen (2008/04/03). Kennislink.
  16. 'Niemand heeft dat ooit willen', zeggen ze op Texel (2008/03/22). Volkskrant.

Journals [ Media appearances | Conferences | Organisation | Committees | Oppositions | Panels ]

Special issues [ Associate editorships | Editorial boards | ^ ]

  1. 2018: Special section on Applied Data Science in Patient-centric Healthcare. Spruit,M. & Lytras,M. (Eds.), Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier. journal/07365853/vsi/10W81P8SCXH
  2. 2017: Special Issue on Advanced Software Engineering for Data Mining in Business, Health, Education and Social Networks (B-H-E-SN). Lytras,M., Spruit,M., Mathkour,H., & Yáñez-Márquez,C. (Eds.), IET Software, 11(5), IET. toc/17518814/2017/11/5

Associate editorships [ Special issues | Editorial boards | ^ ]

  1. 2023-present: Healthcare Analytics, Elsevier. journal/healthcare-analytics
  2. 2016-present: International Journal of Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), IGI Global. journal-semantic-web-information/1092
  3. 2021-2022: Digital Public Health (specialty section of Frontiers in Public Health, Frontiers in ICT and Frontiers in Computer Science). Frontiers. public-health/sections/digital-public-health
  4. 2016-2021: International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society (IJSEUS), IGI Global. journal-smart-education-urban/188335
  5. 2017-2019: International Journal of Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare (IJBDAH), IGI Global. journal-big-data-analytics/126509
  6. 2012-2018: Decision Analytics, Springer.

Editorial boards [ Special issues | Associate editorships | ^ ]

  1. 2013-present: Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), Taylor & Francis.
  2. 2012-2021: International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR), IGI Global. journal-business-intelligence-research/1168
  3. 2017: 73-volume book series on Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics (ABISA), IGI Global, edited by prof. M. Tavana. business-information-systems-analytics/37155
  4. 2016-2020: International Journal of Autonomic Computing (IJAC), Inderscience.
  5. 2011-2012: J. of Humanities and Information Systems (JHIS), IBIMA.

Conferences [ Media appearances | Journals | Organisation | Committees | Oppositions | Panels ]

Associate editorships [ Editorial boards | ^ ]

  1. 2016-2019: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Information systems in healthcare track.
  2. 2009;2013-2018: 17th;21st-26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Digital Health Initiatives track.

Editorial boards [ Associate editorships | ^ ]

  1. AIME 2023-present: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
  2. ARES 2021 workshop: 1st SME-SP Workshop at 16th Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES).
  3. Rii Forum 2019-2020: 1st-2nd Research and Innovation Forum.
  4. WWW 2017-2018: 26th-27th WWW conference. Cognitive Computing track.
  5. IOSEC 2019: 4th International workshop on IT & OT security systems.
  6. HEALTHINF 2018: 11th International Conference on Health Informatics.
  7. IOSEC 2018: 3rd International workshop on IT & OT security systems.
  8. IML 2017: 1st International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning.
  9. ICDIM 2013: IEEEs 8th International Conference on Digital Information Management.
  10. PATTERNS 2012-2013: 4th/5th International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications.
  11. LISS 2011-2012: 1st/2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science.
  12. ICEIS 2009-2012: 11th/14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
  13. EIS 2009: 4th SIKS Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Organisation [ Media appearances | Journals | Conferences | Committees | Oppositions | Panels ]

  1. Session chair: IFIP I3E Conference. 11-13 September 2024, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands.
  2. Co-organiser: 34th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 34), Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), and the Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities (LUCDH), 30 August 2024, Leiden University, Leiden.
  3. Workshop chair: ELAN-VIPP Guidance Ethics workshop, Aug 25, 2023, The Hague, The Netherlands. Supported by Health-RI, uncovering and documenting the ethical effects and mediation options of synthetic data generation for establishing a partial Digital Twin of the ELAN datawarehouse to speed up research and improve education. With: CBS, LUMC, Syntho, Patients federation, O&P Rijk, Haga. Moderator: Dr André Krom (E&R/LUMC).
  4. Machine Learning session chair: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 30 (CLIN 2020), Jan 30, 2020, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  5. Workshop co-organiser & panel moderator: "Cybersecurity Standards: what impacts and gaps for SMEs" one-day workshop within the context of the SMESEC & StandICT H2020 projects, connecting representatives from all relevant SDOs including CEN/CENELEC TC 13, ETSI TC CYBER, ECSO SME Working Group, Standardisation WG, Digital SMEs alliance, Small Business Standards, European Software Institute. Friday, May 24, 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
  6. Symposium chair: "Prescriptive Decision Support in Medication Reviews" symposium, preceding the PhD defense of Michiel Meulendijk in the Belle van Zuylenzaal of the Academiegebouw. January 13, 2016, Utrecht.
  7. Sponsoring Chair: 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), August 9-13, 2010, Utrecht. As the ISMIR 2010 Sponsoring Chair I acquired EUR 16,650 for the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Financer(s): Gracenote, Microsoft research, Philips research, Google, Taylor & Francis, NWO, Utrecht municipality, Province of Utrecht, & SIKS.
  8. Track organiser: ICT Innovation platform product software. ICTDelta, 2008, Utrecht.

Committees [ Media appearances | Journals | Conferences | Organisation | Oppositions | Panels ]

International committees [ National committees | University committees | ^ ]

  1. 2022-2023: Evaluator for Horizon Europe MCSA Doctoral Networks programme.
  2. 2021: Evaluator for Yarmouk University Academic Promotion procedure (Irbid, Jordanië). Field of Specialization: Heath Data Analysis and Modeling/Data Management.
  3. 2019: Member Evaluation Committee of the Personalised Medicine CfP within the Interdisciplinary Cooperative Research (ICON) programme of the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) government agency.

National committees [ International committees | University committees | ^ ]

  1. 2022-present: Member of Health-RI/NFU working group on Data in the Region.
  2. 2023: Member of data infrastructure working group of the Coalition Lifestyle in Health.
  3. 2022: External member of Open University's Information Science Midterm Review committee.
  4. 2022: External member UHD Promotion committee UU/ICS.
  5. 2021: Panel member NWO/TASKFORCE Knowledge Agenda Webinar "Accelerate Prevention".
  6. 2020-2021: Workgroup member in Netherlands AI Coalition (NLAIC) working group on Health & Care, in themes Implementation and Citizen and Patient Participation (B&PP).
  7. 2020: Expert group member of KNAW session on developing a guideline for Non-Personal Data.
  8. 2020: Knowledge Innovation Agenda (KIA) 2020-2023 expert group member on Mission I "Life Style and Living Environment".
  9. 2020: Member Evaluation Committee of Linguistics panel in NWO Open Competitie SGW 2020.
  10. 2019: Member Evaluation Committee of NWO Open Competition for Digitalisation SSH.
  11. 2019: Member Evaluation Committee of ZonMW "Geweld hoort nergens thuis - Samenwerking, afstemming en regie aanpak huiselijk geweld" research programme.
  12. 2019: Member Round Table Session on Health at ICT.OPEN2019 to provide input for NWO policy makers regarding the Dutch Digitisation strategy.
  13. 2017-2020: UU representative in Data Science Platform Netherlands (DSPN), the Special Interest Group (SIG) within the ICT research Platform Netherlands (IPN).
  14. 2017-2018: Data Science expert member in the national interdisciplinary New Science Agenda (NWA) taskforce on Prevention (chair: prof. Grobbé).
  15. 2016-2017: UU contact person for the Big Data Alliance.
  16. 2016: Informatics MSc programme Audit committee at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.
  17. 2010: ICT BSc programme Audit committee at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.

University committees [ International committees | National committees | ^ ]

  1. 2024-present: Self Steering Committee Member in UNA Europa, One Health Focus Area. .../una-europa-leiden/self-steering-committees
  2. 2024-present: Member ELAN Scientific Board.
  3. 2023-present: Member LIACS Scientific Council.
  4. 2023-present: Member PHM Scientific Council.
  5. 2023-present: Member PHEG Stuurgroep Studenten Onderwijs (SSO).
  6. 2022-present: Lead of ELAN implementation case in LUMC/Health-RI node.
  7. 2022-present: Member LUMC Student Research Award committee.
  8. 2021-present: Co-lead Special Interest Group Health Data Science (with profs. Kraaij & Fiocco).
  9. 2021-present: Member core team LUMC Clinical AI Implementation and Research Lab (CAIRELab).
  10. 2021-present: Member Advisory board of LUMC Research Facility Data Analytics.
  11. 2021-present: Member LUMC Ph.D. guidance committee for C. Li (RADI), V. van der Valk (RADI), S. Bagcik (BDS), D. Lyu (RADI).
  12. 2024: Member LIACS Strategic PhD/postdoc position evaluation committee.
  13. 2024: Member LUMC preproposal evaluation committee for LUF Gratama Jubilee Gift 2025.
  14. 2023: Member LUMC Strategy 2024-2028 committee on Data Driven Healthcare & Life Sciences.
  15. 2022-2023: Member project group LUMC Data Competence Center (LUMC-DCC).
  16. 2021-2022: Member LUMC Nomination Advisory Committee (BAC).
  17. 2021: Member of LUMC Project Framework Implementation Medicine Education (PRIMA 2020) Medicine, leading the topic Technology-Artificial Intelligence-Big data.
  18. Utrecht University:
  19. 2019-2020: Board member Applied Data Science Special Interest Group Text Mining.
  20. 2019-2020: Member of the interdisciplinary Governing the Digital Society focus area.
  21. 2019-2020: Workgroup member Design Data Science track in the Information Science bachelor.
  22. 2019: Workgroup member Technical Redesign of the Information Science bachelor programme.
  23. 2018-2019: Member of the Applied Data Science Education Committee (ADS-EC).
  24. 2018-2020: General Assembly member of the interdisciplinary Life Sciences EXPOSOME Hub.
  25. 2018: Member BKO assessment committee pool.
  26. 2016: Science representative in the UU-wide working group Applied Data Science.
  27. 2013: Jury member in Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) master thesis award.

Doctorate committees and Oppositions [ Media appearances | Journals | Conferences | Organisation | Committees | Panels ]

  1. D. Misoo Kim (Universidad de Murcia, 3/10/2024). Simulation and Visualization of Spatial-Temporal Data in Hospital Infection Outbreaks (dr. D. Manuel Campos Martínez, dr. José Manuel Juárez Herrero).
  2. L. Yang (LIACS, 20/9/2024). Information-theoretic Partition-based Models for Interpretable Machine Learning (dr. M. van Leeuwen, prof. A. Plaat).
  3. M. Fragkiadakis (LIACS, 9/4/2024, secretary). Digital Tools for Sign Language Research: Towards Recognition and Comparison of Lexical Signs (prof M. Mous, P. van der Putten, V. Nyst).
  4. M. Lao (LIACS, 28/11/2023). Exploring Deep Learning for Multimodal Understanding (prof M. Lew, prof A. Plaat).
  5. R. Turner (ULEI/MI, 14/11/2023). Safe Anytime-Valid Inference: from Theory to Implementation in Psychiatry Research (prof P. Grünwald, prof F. Scheepers, A. Harma).
  6. K. van Mens (RUN/Psychiatry, 24/05/2023). Discovering insights with machine learning: Lessons learned from case studies in mental healthcare (prof B. Tiemens, prof R. Janssen, J. Lokkerbol, D. de Beurs).
  7. M. Gomez-Maureira (LIACS, 26/04/2023). Exploration through video games. (prof A. Plaat, prof C. Rieffe, M. van Duijn).
  8. S. Girwar (LUMC, 22/06/2023, secretary). Population Health Risk Assessment in Primary Care (prof M. Numans, prof M. Fiocco, M. Bruijnzeels).
  9. A. Pereira Barata (LIACS, 5/4/2023, secretary). Reliable and Fair Machine Learning for Risk Assessment. (prof J. van den Herik, C. Veenman, F. Takes).
  10. E. Sanders (RUN/Linguistics, 9/2/2023). Vox Populi: On Forecasting Elections with Twitter. (prof A. van der Bosch, H. van der Heuvel).
  11. A. Dirkson (LIACS), 6/12/2022). Knowledge Discovery from Patient Forums: Gaining novel medical insights from patient experiences (prof W Kraaij, prof A. Gelderblom, S. Verberne).
  12. G. Kantidakis (LUMC, 23/11/2022). Analysis of sarcoma and non-sarcoma clinical data with statistical methods and machine learning techniques (prof A. Gelderblom, prof M Fiocco, S. Litière).
  13. M. Kroon (LUCL, 10/11/2022). Towards the Automatic Detection of Syntactic Differences (prof L. Barbiers, prof J Odijk, S. van der Plas).
  14. J. Lin (LIACS, 24/6/2022). Algorithms for Structural Variant Detection (W. Kosters, prof K. Ye).
  15. X. Wang (LIACS, 24/6/2022). Multi Modal Representation Learning and Cross-Modal Semantic Matching (prof F. Verbeek, Y. Du, S. Verberne).
  16. J. Koorn (UU/ICS, 30/5/2022). Work in Process: Unearthing Meaning using Process Mining (prof H Reijers, prof H. Leopold, X. Lu).
  17. N. Koning (LUMC, 30/3/2021). Identification of child mental health problems in primary care: an interdisciplinary approach (prof M Numans, M. Crone, F. Büchner).
  18. A. Bagheri (UU, 15/1/2021). Text Mining in Healthcare: Bringing Structure to Electronic Health Records (prof P. van der Heijden, prof F Asselbergs, D. Oberski).
  19. H. Sokooti (LUMC/RADI, 25/11/2021). Supervised Learning in Medical Image Registration (prof B. Lelieveldt, M. Staring).
  20. S. Pachidi (VU, 14/1/2016). Crunching the numbers Studying the enactment of analytics in an organization (prof M Huysman, H. Berends, I. van de Weerd).
  21. G. Silvius (UU, 28/5/2013). Business and IT alignment in Context (prof S. Brinkkemper, R. Batenburg).

Panels [ Media appearances | Journals | Conferences | Organisation | Committees | Oppositions ]

  1. 15/10/2024: Panel member AI in de Zorg. Axon-Bruggink network meeting. Zorginstituut Nederland, Diemen.
  2. 26/09/2024: Vision Dinner participant. AI in de zorg met het UMCG, Flevum. Huis Scherpenzeel.
  3. 15/07/2022: Panel member EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2022) session SS2.17 Population Health Management, online.
  4. 10/06/2022: Panel member NHG Yearly Science Day 2022, LUMC Campus The Hague, Leiden.